Animal Farm - Model Soldier

Original Release Date


Release Information

UK 7" 1984 (Rot - ASS 7)

1 Model Soldier
2 John And Julie

Chart Placings



P. Nut - guitar, vocals
Zarb - bass, vocals
Jik - drumkit

Reviews & Opinions

JEFF BALE, MAXIMUM ROCKNROLL #14, JUNE 1984: For some reason, ANIMAL FARM sound like a punkish band from the '79 era (e.g., the SHAPES). They have a certain quirky melodic quality, a clever wit, and a cleaner guitar sound than one normally finds today. "Model Soldier" is a sarcastic look at enlistees; the flip seems to be a continuation of the Jilted John/Julie story. Neat-O .

Additional Notes

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