Rough Justice

Based: London, England, UK.

Inclined towards the thrash/metal end of punk, this label had some of the bigger hitters on hits roster and contineud to release records (well, CDs) into the mid-1980's.


12" Singles:    
12 KORE 101 G.B.H. - Oh No, It's GBH Again 1986
12 KORE 102 THE EXPLOITED - Jesus Is Dead E.P. 1986
JUST 1 CIRCLE JERKS - Wönderful 985
JUST 2 G.B.H. - Midnight Madness And Beyond....... 1986
JUST 3 AGNOSTIC FRONT - Cause For Alarm 1986
JUST 4 CRUMBSUCKERS - Life Of Dreams 1986
JUST 5 ADRENALIN O.D. - Humungousfungusamongus 1986


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