Various - We Got Power: Party Or Go Home

Original Release Date
1983Release Information
US LP 1983 (Mystic - MLP 33125)
1 The Authorities - I Hate Cops
2 Nip Drivers - Tang
3 J.F.A. - Middle America
4 Dr. Know - Savior
5 White Flag - Celabate / Hoppity Hooper [Punky Gibbon note: Hoppity Hooper not credited]
6 White Cross - Nuke Attack / Having Fun [Punky Gibbon note: Having Fun not credited]
7 F--k Ups - Bacon And Eggs
8 Putrid Girls - 1 2 3 4
9 Ill Repute - Count The Odds
10 Stalag 13 - Selfish
11 Rebel Truth - Monkey's Paw
12 Willfull Neglect - E.M.S. & D.
13 Tar Babies - Confused
14 Mecht Mensch - Might Makes Right
15 Graven Image - My World
16 The Vacant - Caught By The Mafia
17 Adrenalin O.D. - W.W. 4
18 The Clones - Conform To The Norm
19 Big Boys - Brick Walls
20 Sin 34 - Not
21 Minutemen - Party With Me Punker
22 Dayglow Abortions - Scared Of People
23 Caustic Cause - Look To The Left
24 Don't Know - Blind Ambition
25 S.V.D.B. - Flames Of Hell
26 Patriots - Cavity
27 Hated Principals - Survival At All Costs
28 Crank Shaft - New Wave Homos
29 Urban Assault - Night On The Town
30 Urban Assault - Rock & Roll Burnout
31 7 Seconds - Wasted Life Ain't No Crime
32 Jack Shit - Follow The Leader
33 7 Seconds - Definite Choice [Punky Gibbon note: Listed as Music I Can't Stand by Atheists on cover]
34 Romulans - Judgment Day
35 No Labels - (Ego)
36 Armed Response - Too Gross For Comfort
37 Deranged Diction - Crooning
38 False Confessions - Kill For Fun [Punky Gibbon note: untitled on cover]
39 Manimals - Things Under My Bed
40 Red Cross - Pseudo Intelectual
Chart Placings
Edited and assembled by; Doug Moody Productions Hollywood...
Engineers; Paul Tragurtha, Steve Brenner, Phillip Raves, Doug Moody at Mystic Sound in Hollywood
Concieved [sic] and produced and street calligraphy Jordan Schwartz
Mastering by Richard Simpson
Reviews & Opinions
JEFF BALE, MAXIMUM ROCKNROLL #10, DECEMBER 1983: Fuck! What can you say about this 40-band compilation organized by the editor of L.A . fanzine We Got Power? It has a bit of everything-- intelligent bands, stupid bands, great bands, mediocre bands, unknown bands, well-known bands, bands from all over the U.S. and Canada-- but it's great because all the songs are so short that even the few lame ones don't have time to get boring. And most of them thrash to the max. It's hard to pick faves, but I think WHITE CROSS, MECHT MENSCH, the ATHEISTS, JACK SHIT, the DAYGLOW ABORTIONS, and--dare I admit it?--WHITE FLAG have the standout tracks. All future comps should maintain a similar 1:00 limit in songs to keep things zipping along, but this platter unfortunately lacks both info on the bands and visible grooves between cuts--a D.J .'s nightmare.Additional Notes
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